Importance of Understanding K-9 Psychology
Hello, everybody!
Why is it important to learn about k-9 psychology you may be wondering? Well when you educate yourself on this topic you can truly understand a dog. Once you understand a dog you can accurately know how they think or act, what they like/dislike & what they really are afraid of or not. Knowing this information helps you correctly judge some sensitive topics in today's world..
Natural K-9 Instincts
Dogs in the wild live in packs and have a pecking order. One will be dominant over all others in the pack in both genders. The other dogs below them will have one as well. This is also known as a pecking order. They will fight and sometimes inflict serious wounds if not fight till the deth to stay on top. They do this because whoever is leader of the pack gets to breed. When moms get close to giving birth they dig out a small burrow barely big enough for mom to get in and turn around. Once she has her babies they stay in the dark den for 4 weeks before they even begin to pop their head out. Mom is very protective of her pups for several weeks, if she were not the other dogs will kill and eat her babies. Pupps stay near the den for 8 weeks before they finally venture out with the pack. All of these natural instincts that we see as cruel/mean to do to each other and heartless still happen if dogs live together in groups and are unfixed. This is why it is imperative to keep dogs properly housed in an environment that keeps them safe.
Are Kennels an Inhumane Way To Keep Dogs Safe?
Absolutely not!
Contrary to what animal activists try to make everyone believe, this is without a doubt the most safest and hygienic way to keep several dogs clean and safe especially in a breeding environment. Like I said above if they were to just frolic together like these people think they should do, they will fight like crazy. Breeders do not want their dogs being hurt or injured in anyway. We want them to be safe, this means several males cannot be around the females at the same time. Another fact you probably did not know is males not only pee on walls they will also pee all over each other even while one is laying down. They will even get peed on while they are peeing, by another male. This is not sanitary a good breeder wants to keep their animals as clean as possible. We also need to keep them separated so we know who the parents are to each litter or else we would not be reputable breeders. You can have 4 females and one male in a run at most so they are not lonely. No they do not feel deprived of love and lonely, they are pack animals, in the wild they have no human contact and they are fine. They get everything they need from each other just like in the wild. Yes they get excited to see to see you when you walk in but you should not confuse it for sadness. The dogs would act the same way if they were on a fenced acre of land when you came home. As long as they get to run and play for several hrs a day and get loved on by the human caretakers they are fine. Responsible breeders will do this.
Below I am citing two articles, the first one is a TRUTHFUL article in a newspaper that consists of statements from actual pilots and people who are experienced/educated in the shipment of animals. NOT just fear-based assumptions/accusations.

The second one is a FALSE artical. This is the typical problem in today's society where an uneducated animal activist tries to terrify the public with no facts. She is simply using human psychology to base her judgments on and not a K-9's. This is prime proof of what these kind of people do on a daily basis.